​Counter Plus Logic Node for Gira X1/L1


CounterPlus ia a useful counter with advanced options. Move a pointer within a specific range or loop it in a circle. All options like StepSize, Range, Reset and Loop can be configured. Watch the step-by-step video and learn about all options.

Use it to move forward/backward through a music playlist or trigger something when a range is looping (drip some chlorine in the swimming pool for every 1000L water refill).

Use it to move forward/backward through a music playlist or trigger something when a range is looping (drip some chlorine in the swimming pool for every 1000L water refill).

Technical features:

  • Move a pointer within a list/range from 1 to 8;
    When the pointer reaches 8 and + is pressed, it will not move any higher.
    When the pointer reaches 1 and – is pressed, it will not move any lower.>
  • Move a pointer withing a from 1 to 16 and let it loop;
    When the pointer reaches 16 and + is pressed, it will loop to 1.
    When the pointer reached 1 and – is pressed, it will loop back to 16.
  • Move a pointer in a range from 0-100 with StepSize of 10.
    Press – or + to move the pointer in the range: 0..10..20..30..40..50..60..70..80..90..100.
    It can be configured as fixed range or to loop when 100 is reached.
  • Use negative numbers, in example a StepSize of -2 or a range of -80 to -10.
  • Use decimal numbers, in example a StepSize of 0.5 or a range of 0.1 to 0.9.
  • Use ‘Loop Cost’ functionality. Every time it loop’s you can add or subtract a certain amount.


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